三星在今年首度一口气推出两种不同尺寸的 Galaxy Note 10 ,满足消费者对于不同尺寸与手感的需求,此外也是在连续多年于台湾导入三星平台版本后,再度于旗舰机种使用高通平台的机种,此次也在台湾正式上市之际试用了其中大尺寸的 Galaxy Note 10+ ,一探三星新一代旗舰机的特色。


Smartphone, Feature phone, Mobile Phones, Cellular network, Computer, Product design, Product, Design, Electronics, Computer hardware, hardware, Gadget, Mobile phone, White, Communication Device, Smartphone, Portable communications device, Electronic device, Iphone, Technology, Metal

▲左侧 Galaxy Note 10+ 的四个边角圆弧较小、趋近直角,与右边较浑圆的 Galaxy S10 不同

三星自 Galaxy S6 之后,确立旗舰机采用金属光泽边框搭配四个边角浑圆的基本设计风格,然而在 Galaxy Note 10 ,虽仍有着类似 Galaxy Note 9 的风格,不过边角的圆弧缩减,使得 Galaxy Note 10 上下的切边感更明显。

Headset, Product design, Product, Design, Wire, Headphones, Master & Dynamic ME05, headphones, Headphones, Wire, Audio equipment, Gadget, Electronic device, Technology, Cable, Headset, Silver, Peripheral

▲盒装提供 USB Ty[e-C 的 AKG 耳机

Electronics Accessory, Product design, Angle, Design, Product, Electronics, electronics, Technology, Electronic device

▲盒装包括 USB Type-C 转 USB Type-A 转换器

另外, Galaxy Note 10 的机背相机排列是三星首度将多相机采用直列配置的机种,看起来虽然机背不再是近乎左右对称的设计,不过比起 Galaxy S10 与 Galaxy Note 9 的造型,笔者个人个喜欢此次 Galaxy Note 10 系列的设计。稍微可惜的是此次碍于机构设计, Galaxy Note 10 系列也终于放弃 3.5mm 耳机孔,仅能透过蓝牙耳机或是 USB Type C 连接耳机,此次提供的耳机为 AKG 操刀调教。

Smartphone, Feature phone, Electronics Accessory, Mobile Phones, Portable media player, , Samsung, Multimedia, Cellular network, Media player software, samsung, Gadget, Electronic device, Mobile phone, Technology, Smartphone, Communication Device, Portable communications device, Feature phone, Material property, Multimedia

▲右边 Galaxy Note 10+ 的相机采用直列而非Galaxy S10 的横列

Feature phone, Smartphone, Product design, Product, Computer, Design, Microsoft Azure, feature phone, Gadget, Mobile phone case, Mobile phone, Electronic device, Technology, Electric blue, Communication Device, Material property, Portable communications device, Mobile phone accessories

Smartphone, Product design, Design, Product, Microsoft Azure, Cell Phones, iPhone, smartphone, Gadget, Mobile phone, Electronic device, Technology, Smartphone, Material property, Communication Device, Electric blue, Portable communications device, Rectangle

Feature phone, Smartphone, Product design, Product, Design, electric blue, Mobile phone, Mobile phone case, Gadget, Communication Device, Blue, Portable communications device, Electronic device, Mobile phone accessories, Electric blue, Cobalt blue


若以整体设计感,比起 Galaxy Note 9 、 Galaxy S10 ,笔者试更喜欢 Galaxy Note 10 系列多一点的,同时机背底下的颜色也不再是密集的小点构成而是纯色,更有偏向商务机的沉稳感, Galaxy Note 10+ 黑色在光线照映下则折射出相当深的蓝绿色,并非典型的纯黑,笔者也相当喜欢这样的色泽,不过若是纯个人喜好,此次的白色应该是笔者个人最偏好的一款。

Smartphone, Product design, Design, Product, Material, Mobile Phones, iPhone, hardware, Gadget, Technology, Electronic device, Material property, Aluminium, Metal, Silver, Mobile phone, Smartphone

▲ Galaxy Note 10+ 不再具备独立 Bixby 按键

Samsung Galaxy S10, Samsung, , Smartphone, Samsung Galaxy A40, Internet, Samsung Group, OnePlus 7 Pro, Pixel 3, Access Point Name, screenshot, Text, Font, Screenshot, Line, Technology, Electronic device, Computer icon, Icon, NumberSamsung Galaxy S10, Samsung Galaxy, Samsung, , Home screen, Samsung Galaxy S10+, Smartphone, Samsung Group, Exynos, Samsung Galaxy S9, samsung galaxy s10 home screen, Text, Screenshot, Computer icon, Technology, Sky, Logo, Icon, Font, Electronic device, Graphic design

Screenshot, Angle, Product design, Line, Design, Product, Brand, Meter, screenshot, Text, Line, Font, Screenshot, Technology, Icon, Number, Parallel, Computer.icon

同时,虽然 Bixby 智慧助理仍依旧出现在 Galaxy Note 10 系列上,不过此次无论是 Galaxy Note 10 或是 Galaxy Note 10+ 都不再搭载 Bixby 专属快捷键,现在要快速唤起 Bixby 则是预设改用长按电源键,不过 Galaxy Note 10+ 的实体按键配于机身左侧而非右侧,使得以笔者较难以在横拍下使用 Google 在休眠下快速按压两次电源键启动相机。


Feature phone, Smartphone, Handheld Devices, Cellular network, Display device, Product, Multimedia, Product design, Design, Electronics, feature phone, Gadget, Communication Device, Mobile phone, Smartphone, Electronic device, Portable communications device, Technology, Electronics, Feature phone, Iphone

▲由双曲面加上尽可能缩减的上下边框, Galaxy Note 10+ 的萤幕占比相当惊人

三星在创造视觉上的无框可说是相当积极的,三星最早透过 OLED 双曲面萤幕的方式,使萤幕边角在视觉上缩减到最少,呈现近乎无边的萤幕设计;藉由 Infinity O 萤幕开孔技术,让相机直接嵌入面板底下,使萤幕的上下仅剩下相当细的边框,萤幕占比也达到惊人的 94.2% 。

Smartphone, Samsung Galaxy S10, Feature phone, , Samsung, Samsung Galaxy S9, Fingerprint, 6.1 in, Samsung Group, Screen Protectors, s10+ s10 区别, Gadget, Mobile phone, Communication Device, Portable communications device, Smartphone, Electronic device, Technology, Feature phone, Material property, Ipod touch

▲ Galaxy Note 10+ 的萤幕表现相当出色、萤幕占比亦比 Galaxy S10+ 更高

此次 Galacy Note 10 采用的 Infinity O 萤幕开孔又再度进化,上半年的 Galaxy S10 系列,首度在旗舰机采用 Infinity O 技术,但当时的开孔面积较大,连带影响使得 Android 的工作列高度与字体、图案的比例变得相当怪,而 Galaxy Note 10 的相机镜头开孔相当小,虽然位置仍贴着工作列底部,不过至少工作列的文字、图形就正常许多。

Computer Monitors, Laptop, Computer hardware, Handheld Devices, Computer, Multimedia, Product design, Gadget, Design, Electronics, screen, Gadget, Electronic device, Technology, Tablet computer, Netbook, Screen, Computer, Multimedia, Laptop, Material property

▲ Galaxy Note 10+ 的萤幕开孔更不影响视觉与 UI 设计

不过 Galaxy Note 10+ 更吸引人的地方则是此次采用的面版技术,虽然三星的 Galaxy S10 面版表现已经相当令人惊艷,然而 Galaxy Note 10 有着更强的对比、渐层表现,欣赏影片内容更为精彩,同时也由于 Infinity O 开孔缩小,全萤幕播放影片更不影响视觉效果。

虽然 Galaxy Note 10+ 与 Galaxy S10+ 皆采用超音波的萤幕下指纹辨识,但就辨识体验, Galaxy Note 10+ 进步幅度相当大,使用 Galaxy S10+ 常常出现辨识失灵的情况,或是需要相当用力才能侦测笔者的指纹,手指稍有偏斜也会辨识失败,而 Galaxy Note 10 不仅辨识速度更快,成功率也更高,但就不确定是否是硬体设计不同,或是修改辨识的演算法逻辑。

高通 Snapdragon 855 亦提供顶尖性能

PCMark, Benchmark, AnTuTu, Geekbench, Central processing unit, Qualcomm Snapdragon, Pixel 3, 3DMark, Smartphone, Computer Software, PCMark, Text, Line, Slope, Font, Screenshot, Parallel, RecreationROG Phone, Razer Phone, Sony Xperia E4, Asus ZenFone, Qualcomm Snapdragon, Smartphone, Samsung Galaxy, , ASUS ROG Phone (ZS600KL), , Mobile phone, Text, Eye, Organ, Iris, Font, Screenshot, EyelashXiaomi Mi MIX 3, Smartphone, Xiaomi, Cellular network, , , , Nokia 6.1 Plus, , OUKITEL C5 Pro, Mobile phone, Text, Line, Font, Slope, Diagram, Parallel, Document, Screenshot

Samsung Galaxy Note 9, Samsung Galaxy S8+, AnTuTu, Sony Xperia 1, Samsung, , Samsung Galaxy S10, , Benchmark, Sony, xperia 1 antutu, Text, Cartoon, Screenshot, Font, Comics, Technology, Fictional character, Clip art, Illustration, GamesSamsung Galaxy Note 9, AnTuTu, Samsung, , Exynos, Samsung Galaxy Note 10, snapdragon, Benchmark, Screenshot, Computer, galaxy note 9 antutu, Text, Blue, Font, Line, Screenshot, Number

Samsung Galaxy S9+, Screenshot, Geekbench, Samsung Galaxy S9, , Samsung, Exynos, Samsung Galaxy A50, Samsung Group, Samsung Galaxy Note series, samsung galaxy s9+ geekbench, Text, Font, Line, Screenshot, Web page, Geekbench, OnePlus 6, Samsung, , , Samsung Galaxy S10, Benchmark, Online advertising, web page, Text, Blue, Font, Line, ScreenshotSamsung Galaxy Note 9, Geekbench, AnTuTu, , Samsung, Benchmark, Qualcomm Snapdragon, Exynos, 8 gb, , antutu note 9 screen results, Text, Blue, Font, Line, Screenshot

Geekbench, Samsung Galaxy S9, Drop Off, OnePlus 6, Score!, , Web page, Samsung Galaxy S8, Samsung, Benchmark, web page, Text, Font, Product, Line, Screenshot, Technology, Web pageLG G8 ThinQ, Samsung Galaxy S10, LG G7 ThinQ, OnePlus 6T, Geekbench, Samsung, , , OnePlus, AnTuTu, lg g8 benchmark, Text, Blue, Font, Line, Screenshot, Parallel

Qualcomm Snapdragon, Benchmark, Xiaomi Mi, Kryo, Geekbench, AnTuTu, , Qualcomm, Xiaomi, Smartphone, antutu snapdragon 600, Text, Font, Screenshot, LineXiaomi Mi MIX 3, Redmi, Xiaomi Mi 9, Xiaomi, Xiaomi, , Xiaomi Mi MIX 2, OnePlus, Form factor, Samsung Galaxy S10, box xiaomi mi mix3 256gb, Text, Font, Line, Screenshot, Samsung, Graphics processing unit, Adreno, Samsung Galaxy, , Smartphone, , Mobile Phones, MediaTek, mt6753 gfx, Text, Font, Line, Screenshot

由于三星近年在台湾推出的旗舰机都是采用三星自家的 Exynos 平台,今年上半年 Galaxy S 10 也仍采用 Exynos 9820 平台,而原本消费者预期 Galaxy Note 10+ 将会采用新一代的 Exynos 9825 平台,不过最终却是使用高通 Snapdragon 855 平台。

就笔者的观点,除非有办法直接对比,否则使用 Snapdragon 855 或是 Exynos 9825 对多数消费者的使用体验影响微乎其微,毕竟扣除跑分与数据性能之外,三星在两个版本使用的周边元件、系统机能、拍照的 AI 模型几乎相同,与其纠结跑分数字,不如尽情享受机能方面的升级感。

虽然三星并未采用时脉较高的 Snapdragon 855+ ,不过也不减其年度旗舰平台的地位,毕竟 Snapdragon 855+ 实质上是 Snapdragon 855 时脉强化版本,当前采用此平台的机型的机身厚度、尺寸也必须考虑散热付出相对的代价,而 Snapdragon 855 的性能也足以应付当前绝多数的应用程式与游戏。

与 Galaxy S10 近似的主相机体验

Feature phone, Smartphone, Product design, Product, Design, Electronics, Mobile Phones, iPhone, feature phone, Mobile phone, Gadget, Feature phone, Communication Device, Smartphone, Portable communications device, Electronic device, Technology, Material property, Mobile phone accessories

▲ Galaxy Note 10 的三个拍摄用相机配置与 Galaxy S10 相仿,不过多了第四组的景深相机系统

Galaxy Note 10+ 采用与 Galaxy S10 近似的主相机配置,搭载 123 度超广角 16MP 相机搭配 12MP 双 PDAF OIS F1.5 / F2.4 可变光圈主相机与 12MP F2.1 OIS 远摄像机构成,并在此之上加入 ToF 测距相机模组,对焦速度较 Galaxy S10 微微变快,不过不是天差地远的差距。

Lamp Shades, Product design, Design, Electric light, Product, Table, Glass, Unbreakable, table, Light, Lighting, Light fixture, Lamp, Room, Lighting accessory, Light bulb, Incandescent light bulb, Interior design

Car, Car tires, Motorcycle, Racing, Race track, Motorcycle racing, Motor vehicle, Wheel, Vehicle, Electric motor, car, Vehicle, Automotive exterior, Motocross, Car, Motorcycle, Endurocross

Interior Design Services, Design, interior design, Room, Shoe, Metal

Car, Urban area, Street, Downtown, Metropolitan area, Building, Tree, Sky, Stichting Metropolis M., M. Night Shyamalan, car, Urban area, City, Metropolitan area, Sky, Town, Architecture, Night, Human settlement, Building, Metropolis

Mixed-use, Urban design, Urban area, Daylighting, Architecture, Facade, Building, Commercial building, Design, Metropolitan area, urban area, Architecture, Building, Metropolitan area, Daytime, Commercial building, Urban area, Headquarters, City, Reflection, Corporate headquarters

Ramen, Chinese cuisine, Banqiao District, Zhonghe District, , Restaurant, Food, District, Wenhua Road, Recipe, chinese food, Dish, Food, Cuisine, Soup, Ingredient, Broth, Consommé, Comfort food, Caldo de pollo, Chawanmushi

Japanese curry, Rice and curry, Breakfast, Thai cuisine, Japanese Cuisine, Curry, Plate lunch, African cuisine, Cooked rice, Food, steamed rice, Dish, Food, Cuisine, Ingredient, Curry, Japanese curry, Steamed rice, White rice, Rice and curry, Gravy

Condominium, Architecture, Urban area, Cityscape, Suburb, Tower Block, Skyline, Road, Metropolitan area, Real Estate, urban area, Urban area, Metropolitan area, City, Daytime, Skyline, Sky, Cityscape, Yellow, Human settlement, Transport

Urban design, Metropolitan area, Mixed-use, Transport, Controlled-access highway, Sky, Skyscraper, Urban area, Real Estate, Bird's-eye view, metropolitan area, Metropolitan area, Urban area, City, Sky, Cityscape, Daytime, Transport, Architecture, Human settlement, Metropolis

Architecture, Urban area, Facade, Roof, Skyscraper, Condominium, Downtown, Metropolitan area, Headquarters, Skyscraper, urban area, Architecture, Metropolitan area, City, Urban area, Building, Daytime, Landmark, Human settlement, Cityscape, Sky

Controlled-access highway, Metropolitan area, Skyscraper, Skyline, Architecture, Sky, Public transport, Cityscape, Transport, Suburb, metropolitan area, Sky, Urban area, Metropolitan area, City, Cityscape, Architecture, Daytime, Human settlement, Metropolis, Downtown

Metropolitan area, Controlled-access highway, Public transport, Transport, Urban area, Sky, Highway, M. Night Shyamalan, metropolitan area, Metropolitan area, Sky, Night, Overpass, Architecture, Transport, Light, Urban area, City, Cloud

Controlled-access highway, Transport, Traffic, Metropolitan area, Overpass, Skyway, Lane, Highway, Bridge–tunnel, Urban area, metropolitan area, Urban area, Metropolitan area, Overpass, Sky, Transport, Traffic, Night, Junction, City, Road

拍摄的体验部分笔者觉得大致上也承袭 Galaxy S10 的影像品质,有些使用者指出 Galaxy Note 10 系列较 Galaxy S10 的蓝色更显着一些,笔者认为可能与处理器平台无关,较有可能是相机的演算法经过调整,不过不太确定三星是否会透过 OTA 方式更新 Galaxy S10 相机演算方式。

Feature phone, Smartphone, Samsung S8300 UltraTouch, Product design, Product, , Design, Samsung Group, Mobile Phones, Samsung, samsung ultra touch, Gadget, Mobile phone, Smartphone, Communication Device, Portable communications device, Electronic device, Technology, Feature phone, Material property, Mobile phone accessories

▲ Galaxy Note 10+ 相机切换相当流畅

虽然没有其它品牌旗舰机的高倍变焦镜头配置,不过三星仍在基础的三个镜头提供相当优质的画质,若以笔者个人拍摄习惯,相对之下也比较少用到长焦,通常习惯以标准广角或是超广角拍摄,然而 Galaxy Note 10+ 的超广角拍摄表现无论是变形控制或是影像细节在当前的机种都属上乘,且三镜头切换迅速,不会有部分机种切换镜头模组后迟滞的情况。

连讨喜小姐都称讚的新一代 S Pen

Angle, Product design, Line, Product, Design, monochrome

▲ Galaxy S10+ 的 S Pen 具备六轴感测

Galaxy Note 系列的 S Pen 一向是这系列的卖点,源自 Wacom 感压技术比起一般的触控笔能够提供更进阶的绘图体验,经过多个世代的演化,当前 Galaxy Note 10 的 S Pen 可说是集大成之作。在本质之外, Galaxy S10 系列搭配的触控笔加入六轴感测器后,不仅可作为远端拍照的遥控器,同时可藉由简单的手势进行相机焦段的调整,比起一般蓝牙自拍器功能更为丰富。

Product design, Font, Design, Product, Organism, Meter,Illustration, Ear, Paper, Cartoon, Product design, Design, Pattern, Jaw, Meter, Thumb, cartoon, Cartoon, Nose, Rabbit, Animation, Hand, Illustration, Finger, Gesture, Rabbits and Hares, Art


Galaxy S10+ 的 S Pen 可提供一次长达 10 小时的使用时间外,由于新版本的随手便利贴 2.0 能够进行透明化,等同可以在当前画面进行手写,不用将底下的画面截图,且手写辨识功能可将手写的文字辨识成文字并储存成常用文件檔案加以编辑,对一些手写比用手机键盘打字快的使用者是相当贴心的。

就先前代表瘾科技出席纽约发表会的讨喜小姐表示,她认为这次 Galaxy Note 10+ 的绘图相关软体功能提升幅度相当明显,虽然单纯就绘图操作,前几代的 Galaxy Note 的 S Pen 也可达到相同的水准,不过内建软体的功能就她的创作需求并不够,只能用在一般涂鸦,但 Galaxy Note 10+ 内建的绘图软体功能则已经足以让她进行草图的创作。

Galaxy S10+ 规格较强具扩充性、 Galaxy S10 握感较佳

Smartphone, Feature phone, Mobile Phones, Electronics Accessory, Handheld Devices, Cellular network, Product design, Design, Product, Electronics, electronics, Gadget, Electronic device, Technology, Electronics, Mobile phone, Smartphone, Communication Device, Portable communications device, Material property, Feature phone

▲ Galaxy Note 10+ 较 Galaxy S10+ 有更大的萤幕、更出色的萤幕表现与 S Pen ,不过少了耳机孔

总结来说, Galaxy Note 10+ 的定位与笔者所熟知的 Galaxy Note 系列定位较像,有着足以与 Galaxy S 系列差异化的大萤幕,宽度达 77.2mm ,而 Galaxy Note 10 则是提供给偏好手机单手握持的消费者较好握的另一种版本,宽度仅有 71.8mm 。

Feature phone, Smartphone, Cellular network, Product, Product design, Design, Computer network, Mobile Phones, iPhone, feature phone, Gadget, Mobile phone, Communication Device, Electronic device, Technology, Portable communications device, Smartphone, Mobile phone accessories, Material property, Feature phone

▲ Galaxy Note 10+ 的尺寸以个人感想稍宽了一些、 Galaxy Note 10 相对下更适合单手使用

不过三星也并未让两个机型完全共享除了萤幕与电池外的规格, Galaxy Note 10 的 6.3 吋萤幕仅有 FullHD+ ,RAM 也仅为 8GB ,同时不具备 microSD 卡扩充能力,电池容量少了 800mAh ,主相机模组则与 Galaxy S10 相同,并没有第四具测距相机,但就笔者个人握持习惯,则喜欢 71.8mm 宽的 Galaxy S10 多一点。

至于此次测试的 Galaxy Note 10 则具备更大的 6.8 吋萤幕与 QHD+ 解析度,且也是目前 DisplayMate 评比最高的 A+ 等级萤幕, RAM 更达到 12GB 之高,同时还有 4,300mAh 大电力,若需要更多储存空间的使用者,也可再扩充最多 1TB 的储存空间。

Smartphone, Feature phone, Samsung Galaxy S6, Electronics Accessory, , Samsung, Handheld Devices, Multimedia, Product design, Product, samsung galaxy s6, Gadget, Smartphone, Mobile phone, Product, Communication Device, Electronic device, Technology, Portable communications device, Electronics, Multimedia

▲ Galaxy Note 10+ 的超音波指纹辨识相当稳定

与今年上半年所推出的 Galaxy S10+ 比较的话, Galaxy Note 10 虽然萤幕尺寸与其近似、解析度也较低,但由于 Galaxy S10 的 Infinity O 与双前镜头开孔影响更多萤幕的完整度,反观 Galaxy Note 10 的萤幕开孔比较不明显,至于 Galaxy S10 与 Galaxy Note 10+ 比较的话,就单纯是萤幕尺寸与外观偏好的问题了。

Smartphone, Product design, Product, Design, Mobile Phones, iPhone, smartphone, Gadget, Smartphone, Mobile phone, Communication Device, Electronic device, Portable communications device, Technology, Material property, Multimedia, Telephone

▲ Galaxy Note 10+ 相较 Galaxy Note 9 无论外型、机能皆有显着的提升

当然对于消费者的考量还有是否需要耳机孔与是否需要 S Pen ,另外想要使用指纹辨识的消费者, Galaxy Note 10 家族的萤幕指纹辨识也比起 Galaxy S10 系列更为可靠、快速,外观造型就只能说青菜萝卜各有喜好,不过看到国外 Galaxy Note 发表会所提供的颜色,觉得台湾并未引进红色有点可惜。

Audio, , Samsung, Product, Product design, Design, Brand, Audio signal, Samsung Galaxy S6, Samsung Galaxy, samsung galaxy s6, Design, Material property, Brand, Technology, Paper bag, Logo, Electronic device, Packaging and labeling, Shopping bag, Box