HTC 在 2018 年上半年发表过一大一小的 Desire 12 与 Desire 12+ ,而在去年底再度推出此系列的升级机型 Desire 12s ,打着未满万元的同级机种当中具备全面性的完整规格,无论是 NFC 、指纹辨识与 2CA 等样样不缺,同时在机背的处理导入与 U12+ 相似的雷雕处理。

Smartphone, Feature phone, Mobile Phone Accessories, Product, Product design, Electronics, Design, Mobile Phones, iPhone, electronics, mobile phone, gadget, electronic device, communication device, technology, product, portable communications device, product, electronics, smartphone

Smartphone, Product design, Electronics, Product, Design, Mobile Phones, iPhone, electronics, mobile phone, electronic device, technology, gadget, communication device, electronics, portable communications device, product, hardware, smartphone

Desire 12s 虽承袭近期 Desire 系列的机身塑胶材质设计,不过透过配色与细节使其质感不比金属或是玻璃来的差,虽 Desire 12s 主打是基于 Desire 系列的升级版本,但整体设计也调整不少,除了相机模组较 Desire 12s 更凸出些,机身后方下半部加入与 U 12+ 相似的雷雕处理,下半部也大幅减少指纹沾留的机会。

Feature phone, Smartphone, Handheld Devices, Multimedia, Cellular network, Display device, Product, Product design, Mobile app, Design, feature phone, mobile phone, gadget, feature phone, portable communications device, communication device, electronic device, technology, smartphone, product, cellular network

Desire 12s 采 5.7 吋 HD+ 的 18:9 萤幕,不过并未使用时下流行的水滴或是梯形凹陷萤幕设计,萤幕上下方也有些许的留白设计;萤幕解析度采用 HD+ ,在此等级算是中规中矩,同时拜 18:9 超宽比设计搭配窄边框,手机的握感维持可一手掌握,体感约与 16:9 时期的 5.2 吋机种相去不远。

Screenshot, Nexus 5X, Qualcomm Snapdragon, Android, CPU-Z, System on a chip, Computer program, Central processing unit, Computer, , cpu z android, text, font, screenshot, software, line, media, area, number, product, computer programScreenshot, Instagram, , Computer, CPU-Z, , Google Play, Computer program, System on a chip, Central processing unit, fake locations for instagram, text, font, screenshot, software, line, number, product, area, multimedia, document

LG G3, Screenshot, Smartphone, Android, Geekbench, Benchmark, , , , Honor 10, geekbench mate 10 lite, blue, text, font, screenshot, line, software, product, web page, number, areaGeekbench, Benchmark, , Multi-core processor, Web page, Blackview S8, , AnTuTu, Qualcomm Snapdragon, , Geekbench, blue, text, font, web page, screenshot, line, online advertising, product, area, numberBenchmark, Qualcomm Snapdragon, Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1, Screenshot, Geekbench, HiSilicon, Razer Phone, AnTuTu, , , kirin 970 vs snapdragon 845, blue, text, font, screenshot, line, web page, product, online advertising, number, area

Benchmark, Android, AnTuTu, Nokia 7.1, Geekbench, Nokia 7, Android TV, Screenshot, , Android Marshmallow, h96 pro geekbench, blue, text, font, screenshot, web page, line, software, product, area, numberGeekbench, Benchmark, Screenshot, Multi-core processor, Oppo F7, , Яндекс.Телефон, AnTuTu, Umidigi, Computer, Geekbench, blue, text, font, screenshot, line, web page, number, product, online advertising, area

Huawei Mate 20, Samsung Galaxy Note 8, Smartphone, HTC Desire 12+, Xiaomi, , Xiaomi Mi A2, Telephone, , Android, Mobile phone, text, font, screenshot, software, media, line, multimedia, product, web page, computer program, HTC, Razer Phone, HTC Desire 12+, Smartphone, HTC U Ultra, Android, Telephone, Mobile operating system, MyWiGo, Mobile phone, text, font, screenshot, software, web page, media, line, multimedia, computer program, product

Huawei Mate 20, Smartphone, , Xiaomi, Telephone, Android, Mobile app, Xiaomi Mi A2, Qualcomm Snapdragon, , Mobile phone, text, font, screenshot, software, media, product, multimedia, computer program, web pageSamsung Galaxy S6, Samsung Group, , Samsung Galaxy S8, OnePlus 3T, Samsung Galaxy S7, Smartphone, Samsung Galaxy S9, , , screenshot of s6 samsung, text, font, screenshot, software, web page, line, area, media, multimedia, technology

PCMark, Xiaomi, , Benchmark, Smartphone, Android, Central processing unit, Samsung Galaxy S8, Redmi, Geekbench, PCMark, text, line, font, screenshot, product, area, technology, material, web page, slopeXiaomi Mi 8, , Xiaomi, Xiaomi, Xiaomi Mi Max 2, Xiaomi Mi MIX 2, Xiaomi Redmi 6, Smartphone, , Android, Xiaomi, text, screenshot, software, font, line, product, area, media, angle, diagramSmartphone, Doogee, 4G, , Elephone S8, Redmi 5, Bluboo S8, Qualcomm Snapdragon, , LG G6, Smartphone, face, text, eyebrow, eye, screenshot, font, forehead, eyelash, organ, line

核心规格方面, Desire 12s 搭载高通 Snapdragon 435 平台,虽已是 2016 年所问世的平台,不过基于八核心搭配 X8 LTE ,同时支援 LTE 2CA 等,整体机能与性能并不逊于相近价位机种常用的 Snapdragon 600 低阶系列,此次试用的是 3GB RAM + 32GB 储存版本,另还有 4GB 搭配 64GB 储存版本。

Feature phone, Smartphone, Mobile Phone Accessories, Product, Product design, Computer hardware, Design, Mobile Phones, iPhone, feature phone, mobile phone, communication device, electronic device, product, gadget, product, feature phone, portable communications device, hardware, technology

且 Desire 12s 也不吝惜的保有这些功能,并未因为价格而舍弃如 2CA 的支援,另外也保有可作为支付的 NFC ,这些附属功能往往是在标榜相对高规硬体的机种常被忽略的,同时也支援 VoWiFi 、 VoLTE 等功能,并未因为定位在国民机价格而只求核心规格忽略实用机能。

Feature phone, Smartphone, Cellular network, Product, Product design, Design, Mobile Phones, iPhone, feature phone, mobile phone, electronic device, technology, communication device, gadget, portable communications device, product, feature phone, smartphone, product

Street, Interior Design Services, Design, Arcade game, arcade, arcade, shopping, street, interior design

Interior Design Services, Ceiling, Design, ceiling, ceiling, interior design

Car, House, Tree, Property, tree, property, plant, vehicle, tree, real estate, car, house, outdoor structure

Street light, Street, House, Night, , Midnight Memories, Darkness, Evening, Sky, alley, alley, town, night, street, infrastructure, light, darkness, road, lighting, street light

Dashe District, Car, Alley, House, Sanmin District, Building, The Garage, Sidewalk, 八米巷麵饭馆, Cobblestone, car, land vehicle, car, lane, street, town, public space, mode of transport, road, neighbourhood, vehicle

Thai cuisine, Curry, Breakfast, Vegetarian cuisine, Recipe, Food, Soup, , Thai language, Vegetarianism, curry, dish, food, cuisine, curry, soup, asian food, vegetarian food, thai food, southeast asian food, recipe

Public utility, Public, Utility, iron, iron, pipe, metal, electrical wiring, public utility

Van, Car, Compact car, Family car, Motor vehicle, Transport, House, Tree, Vehicle, , van, car, motor vehicle, land vehicle, vehicle, mode of transport, transport, van, plant, automotive exterior, tree

Mongolian beef, Rice and curry, Hayashi rice, Cooked rice, Curry, Plate lunch, Mongolian cuisine, Rice, White rice, Meal, steamed rice, dish, steamed rice, cuisine, white rice, hayashi rice, food, rice, rice and curry, asian food, curry

Long hair, Black hair, Hair, Brown hair, Hair coloring, Bangs, Black, Brown, 02PD - Circolo del Partito Democratico di Milano, Beauty.m, beauty, hair, eyebrow, human hair color, beauty, hairstyle, girl, forehead, snapshot, chin, cheek

Vea Kaiser, Cologne, Long hair, Bastei-Verlag, Bastei Lübbe, Argitaletxe, Hair coloring, Bangs, Hair, Litblog, beauty, eyebrow, beauty, girl, hairstyle, forehead, snapshot, chin, black hair, cheek, long hair

相机配置方面, Desire 12s 倒是没有为了双相机而双相机,毕竟若是超广角加上标准镜头配置在此价格多半超广角拍摄品质不佳,而双相机则是可提供景深测距,但对影像品质并无影响, Desire 12s 则采用一张 13MP 支援 PDAF 的元件做为主相机,至于前相机的画素亦为 13MP ,同时还有补光的自拍补光灯。

Smartphone, Product, Product design, Electronics, Design, Mobile Phones, iPhone, hardware, mobile phone, electronic device, gadget, technology, product, communication device, hardware, electronics, product, portable communications device

Smartphone, Feature phone, Product design, Electronics, Mobile Phones, Product, Design, electronics, mobile phone, technology, electronic device, electronics, gadget, communication device, portable communications device, hardware, smartphone, automotive exterior

作为一款平价机种, Desire 12s 并未如市场竞品把焦点放在容易吸睛的相对高规格,而是着重在一款当带手机应有的体验的完整性为诉求,虽相对竞品看似较为朴实,不过却不会有需要使用到像是行动支付等功能才发现手机东缺西缺,导致手机买不久又因为需要一些功能而要换机的情况。

Feature phone, Smartphone, Handheld Devices, Display device, Cellular network, Multimedia, Product, Product design, Design, Computer hardware, feature phone, mobile phone, gadget, feature phone, communication device, portable communications device, electronic device, technology, product, smartphone, cellular network

在智慧手机市场渐趋成熟,消费者对平价机不再如一开始只求能操作,消费者亦期许平价机种至少能提供一定程度的流畅性与时下流行的功能,而随着 4G 网路普及、行动支付的使用率提升,消费者亦期待这些原本仅在旗舰机上的功能能逐渐落实在更亲民的价位, Desire 12s 虽为平价机,却也落实将主流机种机能带到更平实价位的意义。